Event-driven microservices: Spring boot, kafka and elastic

Event-driven microservices: Spring boot, kafka and elastic


Online Courses Udemy - Event-driven microservices: Spring boot, kafka and elastic, Master microservices by using spring boot, kafka and elasticsearch with patterns and with an event-driven approach
  • Created by Ali Gelenler
  • English

What you'll learn

  • Learn to develop microservices with spring boot and spring cloud stack
  • Learn to create event-driven microservices with Kafka
  • Learn containerization of microservices with Docker
  • Learn basics of Kafka brokers, topics, partitions, producers, consumers, kafka streams, admin client and avro messaging
  • Learn basics of Elasticsearch, index api and query api
  • Learn development of Kafka based messaging applications with spring kafka
  • Learn development of Elasticsearch indexing and queries with spring elastic data
  • Learn to implement CQRS pattern with Kafka and Elasticsearch
  • Learn externalize configuration pattern with Spring Config Cloud
  • Learn to create REST Api
  • Learn to create versioning for a REST Api
  • Learn to use Spring data with PostgreSQL
  • Learn to implement Service Registration and Discovery with Netflix Eureka and Spring cloud
  • Learn to implement Client side load balancing with Spring Cloud Load Balancer
  • Learn to implement Api Gateway pattern with Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Learn to implement Circuit Breaker pattern with Spring Cloud Gateway and Resilience4j
  • Learn to implement Rate Limiting with Spring Cloud Gateway and Redis
  • Learn implementing Authentication and Authorization with Oauth2 and OpenID connect protocols with Keycloak by using JWT
  • Learn monitoring microservices with Spring Boot Actuator, Prometheus and Grafana
  • Learn to apply Distributed tracing and Log aggregation patterns and visualization with Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana
  • Learn to apply Hateoas principle to a Rest Api with Spring Hateoas
  • Learn to use Open Api Docs for Api documentation
  • Learn to use Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for a basic front-end
  • Learn querying Elasticsearch reactively with Reactive Spring, WebClient and Reactive Thymeleaf
  • Learn to use Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin


Hi there! My name is Ali Gelenler. I'm here to help you learn event-driven microservices by applying best practices.
In this course, we will focus on development of microservices. With the help of microservices you will be able to develop and deploy your application components independently. Besides you can easily scale the services as per the resource requirements of the each service itself, for example you can scale better and create more instances of a service which requires more requests.
Tanima: "This is one of the best course i ever had in udemy, instructor is super responsive and always deals with complex problem during the course, Thank you so much Professor i will always be grateful to you for this course, and will keep eye on your next course release."
We will be developing a microservices architecture from scratch using the most recent software platforms, technologies, libraries and tools by following the best practices and using Java, Spring boot, Spring cloud, Kafka and Elasticsearch, and covering Event sourcing and Event-driven services using Kafka.
Some of the microservices patterns that we will apply are: Externalized configuration, CQRS, Api versioning, Service discovery and Api Gateway with circuit breaker and rate limiting.
Oliver Michels: "Amazing course that covers a lot of ground, i.e. Spring Boot, Kafka, Elastic, OAuth/Keycloak, etc. and shows how all those pieces fit together in a nice microservice architecture."
You will also learn using Oauth2 and OpenID connect protocols for Authentication and Authorization, learn monitoring with Spring boot actuator, Prometheus and Grafana, learn log aggregation and tracing with MDC, Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin along with the ELK stack using Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, and learn reactive development.
We will use Spring boot and Spring cloud along with Docker for developing cloud ready microservices.
We will be following a hands-on approach and be developing a project from scratch in which we’ll have multiple microservices surrounded with multiple modules to accomplish the specific tasks. So you will need to make your hands dirty in this course where I will be guiding you from start to finish.
Emre Demir: "This is not only a software tutorial. It is an advanced computer engineering course. The examples and descriptions are excellent. Full-stack and Back-end developers must take."
At the end of the course you will not only understand the real life challenges of a distributed application with multiple services and components, but also you will be able to apply solutions to this challenges.
You can download the source code in each lecture separately and run them easily using your IDE or docker.
Who this course is for:

One that wants to learn developing microservices by applying patterns with Spring boot and Spring cloud
One that wants to learn event-driven microservices with Kafka
One that likes to learn with a hands-on approach

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